In 1985, I visited my cousin and played Super Mario Brothers on a small black & white TV in his room. Not the first video game I played--there were arcades, an Atari, and even a TI-99--but the NES was the one that dug its claws into me. Since then, gaming has been a part of my life. Since I loved the NES so much, the first video game system I talked the family into buying was a SEGA Master System...we eventually got the NES instead.
I have a degree in music, and another in electrical engineering, and none of that is pertinent to this site. I'm happily married, despite my love of games. Thankfully, my wife tolerates and sometimes even enjoys games, but usually of the board variety. Together we have a son on whom I have foisted the variety of life--sports, music, etc--but who also loves video games and whatever Fortnite is.